Sunday, October 10, 2010


First off, I apologize for my long absence. I got caught up in summer and I'm just upset with myself that I didn't write more. Second, Secretariat was great. Not awesome, but an enjoyable movie. I haven't seen a movie in awhile thanks to the absence of movies (and rides to them). But watching Secretariat reminds me why I've chosen to be a movie critic. The thrill of watching a good movie always excites me. You get into the movie, feel for the characters, and cheer for them down the final stretch. You're sad for them when they're going through troubles. That's the mark of a good movie. How you feel about the characters changes everything about how you feel about the movie. If you feel good by the end, the cast and crew have done their job. And good is what I felt by the end of Secretariat. Diane Lane's acting was a bit forced, but all in all, I liked it. John Malkovich is an acting genius. I loved him in this movie. Seabiscuit was amazing, but it was a different story. I liked Secretariat. It was great.

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Actors: Diane Lane (Penny Chenery), John Malkovich (Lucien Laurin)
Release: Wide
DVD Release: TBD
Recap: B+

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